Votazioni chiuse per questa canzone
Ecco il nuovo video di Peter And The Wolf che è stato pubblicato nel 2017. Il nome del brano è Missing Link.
Covered desires
start to shine as a world full of chances
can give you hope
and unexpected worries
waiting for the first step into reason
far from home
those voices from the past sound like
evidence of my heart still full of remembrance
and full of hopes
a new dawn will rise
and fade away the fear to make me feel
worse, unaccepted
and lost in my fate
A scarred land you’re leaving why would you look back?
Just follow the path now
that you still must track
enchanting fields and wonders
crack a smile and be fair
there aren’t any reasons to look back
Another cup of coffee
hot espresso
or something that I won’t remember anymore.
something that I left behind
something that’s forgotten,
but there is something inside me, screaming out loud.
The roots inside your heart will grow and tear love
that ain’t no promised land
you’ll be left all alone
you’d think that it’ll be different?
don’t be so naive
I’m telling you, don’t walk away from me
remember who you are
and where you belong
listen to my voice
remember where you used to walk.
I’m asking your attention
begging comprehension
i’m not your demon, i’m a wounded friend.
Believe me I won’t hurt you
just follow the path
remember all the words you wasted for that.
so listen to me mate
check inside your head
listen to the call of the land.
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